Using different skincare has one inevitable benefit and requirement: they all work better together. Applying them in layers makes each of them much more powerful and effective, causing a very noticeable difference on the face. People always want to know the secrets to a perfect complexion and this is one of the most important.
All women have been using multiple moisturizers and oils on their skin, simultaneously, for decades, but layering them is just beginning to catch on. Before you say “I already do layers”, we are not talking about putting cream after serum. That’s for beginners. We are talking about creating a kind of sandwich with multiple layers: toner, moisturizer, two serums, eye and lip contour, sunscreen… By doing this regimen correctly (in a maximum of 10 minutes), which involves several steps, you will have as a result the most beautiful skin you have ever seen.
So what products do I need? What kind of ingredients should I mix between one layer and another? In what order should I apply the products and which are the newest? We give you the best tips so that, once and for all, you can perfect the technique that will help you have younger and more beautiful skin, fading wrinkles, saying goodbye to acne and hello to radiant skin.
The perfect layering
If you are one of those who apply five creams and then end up washing your face because of so much heaviness, better take note of the advice of the experts.
Start light

Serums — they’re the gentler products — go first because a) it makes sense, and b) they deliver active ingredients to the skin more efficiently. Pick two or three that address the skin issues you’re concerned about: formulas with peptides for wrinkles, salicylic acid for oily skin, and liquorice or aloe to soothe redness on your face.
If you have a sensitive skin
If your skin is sensitive and reddens easily, try applying a nourishing toner first (containing chamomile or green tea) and then a light serum to avoid this problem.
Lock the nourishment
A good moisturizer is key because it seals in the serum making it more effective. Choose one that meets your needs (dehydration, fatigue, anti-ageing, anti-pigmentation…) and that its texture (cream, gel, mousse) adapts perfectly to your skin type. Do not forget to apply it to the neck and décolleté area, there are more and more products for these areas.
Add a face oil
In small doses, the oils make your skin look more radiant. Apply it only to the areas of your face that are dehydrated even after your cream.
Nourish wisely
It is no longer necessary to fill yourself with ointments to prevent your skin from dehydrating. Follow these steps and achieve smooth skin.
Change the way you wash your face
Swapping your cleansing soap for cream is all it takes to help your skin adjust to colder or drier weather.
Apply a little oil before your moisturizer
Fast-absorbing facial oils, such as jojoba, sunflower seed, and argan, form a light barrier that prevents water from evaporating from our skin throughout the day.
Opt for a mask
They hydrate more than a cream because many other nourishing ingredients penetrate the skin. Apply it after your nighttime facial moisturizer and let it sit for 10 minutes. There are others that you can leave overnight, thus obtaining optimal results the next morning.
Complement your facial care
Your skin uses omega fatty acids to produce its moisturizing oils, better known as lipids. Of all the omegas. Studies have shown that omega-3 supplements have the best effect on levels of hydration provided by the lipids our skin produces.
Night remedy
Apply a nourishing lotion to your face, especially on the parts that look scaly. Thanks to its active ingredients, dehydrated areas will heal quickly.