We are living in a world where nobody wants to grow old, everyone is striving to maintain a young and youthful look not necessarily to please or attract, but to blend in and to obtain a sense of self-fulfillment and vigor. Well, we are in the 21st century, and beauty, whether external or internal is key and imperative to attain tranquillity of mind. However, the modernization of various sectors has presented us with disturbing issues like junk food which accelerates the rate of growth far beyond normal, in that case, you will find very many young people with wrinkles and you are like, “What the hell, she is just in her twenties!”
I have seen many marriages falling apart simply because of the exterior beauty, husbands and wives cheating, that’s absurd and unnatural. For instance, I witnessed a young lady who has barely reached the age of thirty discovering that her husband was having an affair with an old lady in her fifties! However, the lady appeared stunningly young and her face was glowing, well, there must be a secret this lady conjured to defy logic, and I know it. Let us investigate the secrets this old lady was using to look younger. I will also list down several ointments and cosmetics from Amarrie that will strengthen your collagen make you look very young and healthy, and help you retain your spouse.
The first secret is using Amarrie’ anti-aging treatment products like 24K Gold Revitalizing serum and Retinol Serum. Retinol serum contains anti-inflammatory antioxidants which prevent wrinkles and smooth the skin resulting in moisturized or hydrated skin; retinol serum also radiates a shadowy or dull skin by exfoliating the skin at a cellular degree and optimizes oily skin. These results are insane and you should check them out at Amarrie.
The second tip is to adopt a diet rich in anti-aging foods like avocados, watercress, red bell pepper, papaya, blueberries, broccoli, spinach, nuts, etcetera. These foods have been researched and proven to contain agents like antioxidants and inflammatory chemicals, lutein, ad vitamins which effectively slow down the growth rate by nourishing the skin and other organs. You should also definitely regulate fat intake to realize a healthy skin and slowed growth rate.
The third tip is doing physical exercises, exercises reduce the risk of contracting cardiovascular infirmities such as high blood pressure, eliminate fat deposits in the body, and raise High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) which protects the body by absorbing cholesterol and taking it back to the liver where it is flushed from the body.

The fourth and fifth tips are reducing stress and staying active. These two tips kind of overlap they are distinct. Reducing stress can simply be explained as engaging psychological health through problem-solving and learning self-control, how to accept misfortunes, and letting go of the pain. To stay active is to ape the vigorous characteristics of the youth by engaging in activities that trigger both mental and physical strain that will keep you active and operational. A common analogy is a law of ‘use and disuse’ originally coined by Lamarck, breaking it down, he simply suggested that organs that remain unused will over time can be passed on to the state of progeny or a state of inactivity. If you consider these five tricks, you will look younger! Do not delay, buy yourself more time on earth.