anti aging cream

2 Powerful Ingredients Every Good Anti Aging Cream Should Have

There are several skincare products available today on the market so it is becoming hard to pick one out every day. There are also numerous anti-aging ingredients and many of them are hard to even call out. Like hyaluronic acid.

As hard as they are to pronounce, they are also very hard to know which ones are good enough to use for your skin type. To figure this out, you have to book an appointment with a doctor before picking out a good ingredient for yourself.

There are several ingredients used in making skincare products but there are also 2 very effective and very powerful ingredients. We will be talking about them today:- Retinol and Collagen.

1. Retinol
Retinol is also known as vitamin A1, it is a vitamin that is part of the vitamin A family seen in food and used as a dietary supplement. As a supplement, retinol is good for treating vitamin A and deficiency mostly when it involves xerophthalmia.

In areas where there is a lot of people with cases of these deficiencies, a large dose of retinol is advised for people who have a high risk of contacting this deficiency.

It is used also for taking down the risk of measles complications. It can be injected into the body or taken by mouth.

Retinol on a normal day taking the normal doses is good. But when it is being abused and taken at. A higher rate more than usual causes dry skin and a lot of other organ dysfunction.

retinol cream

2. Collagen
This is the major structural protein in the extracellular matrix seen inside the body’s different connective tissues. As it makes up the major texture of connective tissues, it is the most available protein in mammals.

Collagen makes up 25% to 35% of the protein in the body. Collagen has amino acids put together to create a triple helix of stretched fibril called collagen helix. It is mainly seen in connective tissues like cartilage, bones, tend one’s, ligaments, and skin.

Collagen tissues can be rigid or compliant or they can range from rigid to compliant, this all depends on the rating of the mineralization.
Collagen is also seen commonly in Corneas, blood vessels, your gut, and your teeth.

It also makes up approximately 2% of the muscle tissues and 6% of the weight.

collagen cream

So now that you know about these two ingredients and you now know their components and how they can impact your body texture, you now know what to look for in every skincare product.

There are many other useful and effective ingredients also. You don’t have to use them all at once, just use them regularly and you will be fine. It is also important that you know your skin type before using any of these ingredients on yourself.

It is good to see a doctor so you can avoid further issues. Seek the help of a professional because not only your skin type is a factor here, your age is also.

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